What is FileMaker Pro?

A RAD Software Solution

FileMaker Pro is one of the foremost Rapid Application Development software technologies. It allows relatively new users to make use of very sophisticated software to automate one’s business.

FileMaker Pro is legendary for its ease of use and rapid deployment capabilities. Owned by Claris Corporation, and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apple Computer, it provides cross-platform capability to both Mac and Windows users. And Android users are not left out either, with the use of custom web publishing and the FileMaker Data API, anyone can connect to a FileMaker application.

FileMaker Web Functions

FileMaker helps your business stay connected with web technologies and software. Our unique solutions help you stay up-to-date with many technologies. These include Custom Web Publishing, FileMaker Data API connections, the built-in web viewer, and SMTP mailing. In addition, FileMaker also connects with SQL databases using ODBC connectivity, and can import and export Excel files, .csv, and tab-delimited. So whoever and whatever you want to connect to, FileMaker can do it for you!

Using Claris Connect, FileMaker Pro can be connected to almost any web service or technology. This allows it to be the central hub for all business automation in your company.

Automated and Customized Business Software

Here at HighPower Data Solutions we us FileMaker Pro to offer a number of valuable products and services to our clients. From custom hand-crafted software, to premade business software, to FileMaker training, we are committed to providing our clients the best solutions for their business needs.


FileMaker software supports the following integrations:

Weather Applets

SMTP Email

AWS Lambda


iOS Contacts