Four Quick Steps to Start Beta-Testing Your Product

If you are building a FileMaker application which you are going to sell to the general public, or to a niche section within an industry, then you are going to eventually need to do some beta-testing. In order for this to be successful, there are a few elements you...

FileMaker & Beacons

Recent versions of FileMaker, especially 15 and 16 have added functions for beacon support. This is the newest and coolest mobile feature lately. It uses beacons which are placed around a physical facility and are used to provide guidance and indications to any mobile...

Marketing Focus: Select Your Niche

In the great book, “The 1-Page Marketing Plan”, author Allan Dib says that the very first thing you need to do is to determine your marketing niche; who are you targeting for your business marketing? He recommends that you develop a clear focus of exactly what kind of...

FileMaker and Web Services

With the release of FileMaker 16, the ability for FileMaker to speak with the rest of the web-connected world has vastly expanded. They have done this in two ways: one which allows FileMaker to reach out and connect with other services, and another which allows those...

FileMaker Pro OS Requirements

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which operating systems currently work with which versions of FileMaker. Between OSX, Windows, iOS, and FileMaker upgrades it is easy to get confused. If you ever need help, here is the page on the FileMaker site which will help...