Are you ready to develop and sell a software application? If you are thinking about developing and selling a software application in your vertical market, you need to give some thought to the revenue streams you will build into it. For most people at this stage, they are thinking simply that they will build it, and people will buy it. This is the “one and your done” business model. The most successful businesses think not in terms of products, but revenue streams. For software applications, there are actually about six different revenue streams you could consider as you build your vertical market software application for the business world.
These six revenue models are explained in my book, “EasyApps! How to Make Money Selling Applications made with FileMaker”, so I will just list them here:
1. One-time purchase
2. Customization
3. Subscription
4. Per Usage Model
5. Training Model
6. Freemium Model
If you want help with your idea, feel free to contact us, your Minneapolis FileMaker Developer, or check out our site at