Many businesses start with Excel. It is a great spreadsheet program and works wonderfully for what it was designed to do. But that is the catch; it will work great as a spreadsheet program but not as a tool to run your entire business. There are too many features needed in order to run your business. For example, yes, you can list your clients in Excel, and you can list your orders, but when you start asking for things like I want to see all clients who ordered more than $10,000 on average per year, within the last 5 years and found us through Google, then, you have about reached your limit with Excel. It is great for tracking data, but not super-great for queries, relationships, emails, QuickBooks linkage, real CRM functions, pipeline transitions, linking data to your website, etc.
You know that you have reached your limit with Excel when you start drawing lines and boxes around various parts of the data and creating calculation links from one sheet to the next; when you are cutting and pasting from one part of the application to another, when it is a major pain to ‘reset’ Excel for a new year, and copy over all the data, and hope you paste it back in so that the calculations all work correctly.
Ever been there?
We can help.
FileMaker Pro is the solution to help you escape from spreadsheet confusion and complications.
FileMaker is great at creating relationships between your data so that you can find what you need.
It can link to your website, Quickbooks, and almost any web service.
Don’t let your spreadsheet program slow down your business growth.