Poynton Chiropractic is a chiropractic office based in Cheshire, England. They have two main clinics: The Back Clinic and The Natural Doctor. The Back Clinic specializes in treating joint and back pain as well as migraines. The Natural Doctor offers natural supplements and alternatives to conventional medicine. Between the two clinics, five doctors are on staff. They have an amazing business with many, many appointments to track. They are so popular that often appointments are booked out solid for a year in advance!

Before they contacted us at HighPower Data, they were using an older solution which was not working for them. It was not optimized for the way they did business, and it was difficult to use. Their office staff did not enjoy using the software. (As a side note, if your employees don’t like your software, it doesn’t matter how great you think it is; they won’t use it correctly.)

We created a solution in FileMaker to simplify their work. The PatientCare SYSTEM software tracks patient appointments between all five doctors and allows rescheduling and cancellations. PatientCare tracks patient invoices and a running inventory of all their products. The system creates daily, weekly, and monthly reports of income broken down by payment type, doctor, and clinic.

The appointment system, or online diary as they call it, has two views, a week-long view which displays the next seven days of appointments for a particular doctor. There is also a 3-column view which can show the appointments for three different doctors on the same day. Each of the appointment displays allow for scrolling forwards and backwards in time, using ‘jump’ buttons which will jump a day, or 1-4 weeks at a time, as well as directly choosing the day you wish to view.

Invoicing is integrated into the system as well, allowing for payments by cash, credit card or family credits.
There are also options for texting patients when an appointment opens up, using Twilio.

Overall, it is a complete solution to run their practice. It is implemented on an in-house server, and run on their internal Macs. When we have an update for them, they simply install it and run the ‘import/update’ button, and the new file grabs all the data from the old file and imports it into the new system. So we can provide updates to them every day if needed, as the import process only takes 10 minutes.

It has been a pleasure to work with Drs. Middleton and Baird on this project.