We love the spring-time when the flowers bloom, the sun shines, and Claris releases a new version of FileMaker Pro! FileMaker Pro is one of the best and most amazing software development platforms out there for creating custom business applications. It has proved its worth by continuous growth and prosperity over its forty-year history! It is used around the world by millions of people who have enjoyed its power and relative ease of use.

New features in FileMaker 19 are:

  • Add-ons – these are basically drag-and-drop modules to extend the functionality of FileMaker Pro. A couple examples of this would be Kanban boards and photo galleries.
  • Javascript libraries are now tightly integrated with the web viewer.
  • Card Windows are now available in Web Direct
  • Machine Learning Core ML Support – useful for things such as image recognition
  • NFC tag reading in FileMaker Go 19
  • Siri Shortcuts in FileMaker Go 19
  • The ability to create apps directly in FileMaker Cloud (which we have already done for a auto-body shop in California)
  • Drag and Drop installation on Macs
  • New {{ Page Count }} utility symbol
  • Fields can now display scientific notation
  • Open a specific file when FileMaker 19 starts
  • Enhanced security using Claris ID
  • Two new very useful functions: ConvertToFileMakerPath & ConvertFromFileMakerPath

The only piece of bad news is that the ability to create runtimes has now been completely removed from FileMaker. As a person who has created many applications using the runtime feature, and haw sold hundreds of copies of those applications, I am sorry to see it go. But the FileMaker SDK now helps developers to create full-fledged applications for iOS, so that makes up for the runtime loss.

FileMaker 19 brings powerful new development features to us with the use of the Javascript libraries integrated into the web viewer, and through the use of the Add-ons, so we at HighPower Data are looking forward to putting these new power features to good use for our clients.

Thanks to FileMaker Pro, there is a better way to run your business, and we can help you get there.