Why making the switch from on-premise hosting to cloud hosing will save you time & money.

I often speak with clients and prospects who still want to host their company data locally in their own offices or business. If someone wants to do so, then more power to them. But I want to make sure that someone has really given a lot of thought to why they want to host locally vs. in the cloud.

Some of the reasons cited are for security; to ‘keep an eye on’ or ‘keep their hands on’ their data. Sometimes the reason is financial; they don’t want to ‘get locked into monthly fees’. At times is is a DIY attitude that because they know enough about setting up and running their own server, therefore they should just do it themselves.

But I have found that when given serious consideration, the advantages to working remotely in the cloud far outweigh the benefits of self-hosting locally.

Here are six ways that working from the cloud will help your company and save you time and money:

  1. Increased security
    In some quarters, there is still a feeling that keeping the data in-house is somehow safer than putting it in the cloud. But let’s think about that for a moment. Unless your data is air-gapped, and not connected to the internet at all, it is vulnerable to hacking even in your own offices. It is unlikely that your business has the same level of security, firewalls, and data tampering protection, as a professional cloud hosting company. In the cloud is in most cases, safer than self-hosting.
  2. Increased Accessibility
    This is the opposite and positive side of having it hosted in the cloud. Your data will be available to everyone in your company from anywhere. Most cloud hosting companies have a better than 99% uptime. They have redundant systems in place in case of various types of internet glitches may occur.
  3. Increased Collaboration
    It is all about helping your employees to increase their productivity right? If they can get access to the data they need when they need it, your business will prosper and do better. You will be more responsive to your customer’s needs, and they will notice. Rather than locking away that new prospect’s contact information on your salesman’s laptop (who’s on vacation right now, so you can’t get it), put all that data in the cloud so everyone can get the data they need when they need it.
  4. Increased Automation
    When using software in the cloud, a business can get the benefits of instant server backups, software upgrades, new features all getting done automatically, behind the scenes while you keep doing what you do in your business.
  5. Increased Scalability
    Sometimes in the life-cycle of your business you need more power, more storage, more RAM; sometimes you need less. Instead of having to be responsible to buy and spin up new hardware and software, let your cloud company worry about that.

You are in business to do what you do. Why distract your focus by self-hosting your data, and managing all the hardware and software related to that, when you can just delegate those headaches to a hosting company? There are definite benefits to cloud hosting, and this article has a number of them which will help your company to be more efficient and profitable.

Contact us to get started on your journey to greater security, accessibility, collaboration, automation, and scalability.

HighPower Data Solutions provides business automation software and services to companies who want to thrive. We do this by building websites which integrate with your data using a software S.Y.S.T.E.M., which will Save You Stress Time Energy and Money.