Have you customized FileMaker to your own business processes? Many times a person will be using FileMaker for their particular industry. It could be real estate, printing, entertainment, medical, construction, or anything else. But people have developed and fine-tuned their application until it works great for them and their business.
Maybe you’ve had the idea, “Hey this works great for me; maybe I should sell it and offer it to others in my same industry.” This is called a vertical market application. It can be a great idea, or it can be a dud. Because what works great for you, may or may not work great for others. It all depends on several factors:
1st – is it both specific enough for your industry, but also generic enough to work for others?
This is a difficult balance to achieve. Your software application has to be useful for your specific industry. If you are a printer, it needs to have the needs of printers built into it, for example. But at the same time, it cannot be so specific to your particular business processes that it excludes most other printers. When developing your app, you’ll want to achieve that target where it is useful for 80-90% of the people in your industry.
2nd – is it in sale-able condition?
There are many, many factors to consider in this area. Factors such as security, usability, flexibility, intuitiveness, etc. play a role in market effectiveness and should be considered. Request a copy of our multi-page PDF outlining all the factors to consider.
3rd – Marketing
Many people are good at developing an application, but not so good at marketing it. We work with partners who can assist us in help you market your application well.
These are just a few of the factors to consider when thinking of selling your software application to others.
Give us a call and let’s talk.