FileMaker links with Shopify

FileMaker now has great web integration technologies. One of those integrations is available for Shopify, which is an eCommerce solution. There is a plugin called “fmECommerce” which will help you with this. fmEcommerce Link (Shopify Edition) v1.1 includes support for...

Geo-Fencing with FileMaker

One feature which I love on my iPhone is the ability to get a notice or reminder when I am near a certain location. For example, if I need to remember to get some medicine next time I drive by Walgreen’s, I can set my phone up with a geo-fence to notify or remind me...

FileMaker Not For Dummies

There was an interesting article written by Andy LeCates, talking about low-code or no-code software. What is low-code software? Forrester Research defines it as: Software which enables “rapid delivery of business applications with a minimum of hand-coding and minimal...

FileMaker DevCon 2018 Report

FileMaker DevCon 2018 was in Dallas this year, and it was great! The thing that most impressed me about it is the amount of integration which is going on with FileMaker. There were many, many sessions, about how to integrate FileMaker with things like: MailChimp,...

New FileMaker 17 has been released!

FileMaker Pro 17 has been released. It has a lot of great new features which will make your business more productive and efficient. Here are just a few of them: 1. Sensors The software is now coming with a nice set of tools to track sensors in your iPad and iPhone....

FileMaker Cloud Update

FileMaker announced that they have released an update to their new FileMaker Cloud offering. The two elements of this update include: 1. Offering three additional AWS Regions including Canada, Sydney, and Tokyo. 2. The ability to renew the 90-day trial Comodo SSL...