New FileMaker 16 Book Released

“Learning FileMaker 16” There has been a new book published by Apress, and authored by Mark Munro called “Learn FileMaker Pro 16”. It is not very often that FileMaker book gets published, so if you want to get this you can buy softcover for $49.99 or the ebook for...

FileMaker Benefits

Just what are the key benefits of a FileMaker application? Here is what FileMaker, Inc has stated is their primary benefits and focus: 1. FileMaker Cloud Using Amazon Web Services anyone now can have cloud access to all of their data. 2. Mobility FileMaker Go is the...

FileMaker Pro OS Requirements

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which operating systems currently work with which versions of FileMaker. Between OSX, Windows, iOS, and FileMaker upgrades it is easy to get confused. If you ever need help, here is the page on the FileMaker site which will help...

FileMaker Go and iOS 11 Compatability

Apple released iOS 11 on Sept. 19th, 2017. FileMaker still has versions of FM Go out there for 14, 15, and 16. However, iOS11 is only compatible with FM Go 16 and Go 15. Also, please note that iOS 11 only supports 64-bit applications. Please see this knowledgebase...

FileMaker Pro OS Requirements

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which operating systems currently work with which versions of FileMaker. Between OSX, Windows, iOS, and FileMaker upgrades it is easy to get confused. If you ever need help, here is the page on the FileMaker site which will help...

FM Licensing Konfusion!

FileMaker, Inc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apple, is a mature organization which has been around for some 30 years. They have a lot of licensing options; many more than are typically displayed on their website. It can be pretty confusing to find the right software...