Hybrid Products vs. Responsive

These days there are so many options in terms of how to display and access applications, that it is often best to plan on a hybrid application right from the start. Some will call this ‘responsive’, but that is typically used just in the context of web-sites. A simple...

Three Things Your FileMaker App Website Must Do

If you have a FileMaker application which you would like to sell, then you of course will need a website to help you sell it. But the mistake which many people make is that they do not realize what exactly is the purpose of that website. That is, they so generalize it...

You need a complete product package

When I was writing my book, Easy Apps!, one thing which I had learned and shared in the book is that when it comes to selling a commercial software product, there is so much more involved than just writing the code. Writing the code is actually the easy part, but...

Case Study: A Digital Construction Equipment Tracker

Northern Dewatering, Inc, is a company based in Rogers, MN which pumps water away from construction and excavation sites. Usually ground water, rain, and melting snow are factors which flood a worksite and make any construction work more difficult. So NDI, ‘dewaters’...

Case Study: Gourmet Bike Tours in Europe

This is a company that contacted us from Switzerland. Dig-n-go provides “gourmet” bike tours all over Europe. This company was started by two brothers and when we met up, they were trying to run their entire company using Bento. Bento was FileMaker Inc’s attempt at...

Four Quick Steps to Start Beta-Testing Your Product

If you are building a FileMaker application which you are going to sell to the general public, or to a niche section within an industry, then you are going to eventually need to do some beta-testing. In order for this to be successful, there are a few elements you...