Category Archive for "HighPower Data News"

man sitting on couch looking at Macbook on round coffee table

Our Minneapolis FileMaker Virtual Team

The ubiquity of online access makes the forming of teams now a trans-geographic experience. Those serving on the High Power Virtual Team are composed of both employees and independent developers spread across the city, state and country. Our employees are local, of course, to the Minneapolis Metro area. But other team members are spread across […]

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hands typing on Macbook on table with phone and notepad

Minneapolis FileMaker Quickbooks Integration

Many businesses which are using QuickBooks to track their finances want to have them integrated with FileMaker. And it makes sense. It is a perfect combination of letting each product do what they do best. FileMaker can track all of your sales, PO’s, and projects. Then when it is time to get paid, just send […]

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man typing code on MAcbook

Minneapolis FileMaker License Solutions

Did you know that we are an authorized reseller for FileMaker Licenses? We can provide you with licenses for FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Pro Advanced, FileMaker Server, and Concurrent Connection licenses to hook to FileMaker via FM Go or Web Direct. Contact us to help you sort out your options.
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Macbook displaying code

Minneapolis FileMaker Developers at HPRD

HighPower Data is happy to announce the availability of a couple more developers on the team. Rachel has been working for Target Corporation for 15 years and has now launched out as a full-time FM developer. She is currently serving clients in MN, CA, and the United Kingdom! She is also skilled at InDesign. Rachel [...]
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