The greatest tool in the whole world for tracking projects & tasks!
Yes, there’s nothing like a little hyperbole to emphasize a point. But the truth is, that we have been developing our own project and task tracker for our CRM software, and we are quite happy with it. We do believe that it is the best implementation for us, and probably for many others.
For example, just this week I was talking with a company about their project tracking software. I asked them what they were using to track their projects and they said a spreadsheet. A spreadsheet?? This is a successful company run by intelligent guys, but really, we can do better than that!
So that is what we did for ourselves. Let me tell you about it; here’s what it can do:
- Clients have Projects & Projects have Tasks.
- Projects & Tasks both have Estimated & Actual Hours
- Projects & Task both have Due Dates
- A worklog being performed by a developer is assigned three values, a Client ID, a Project ID, and a Task ID. This allows us to track any of these values. So we can tell you Total Hours by Client, Total Hours by Project and Total Hours by Task.
- When invoices are being generated, those hours are assigned to the Project and all related Task for that Project.
- From Client view, I can see all Projects (active & completed) for that Client.
- From Project view, I can see all Tasks which are part of that Project.
- From Task view, I can see all Tasks for a Project, or even all Tasks for the Client.
Because it is so easy to do my invoicig (see last week’s blog about Time Saving Invoicing ), I can do invoicing every day. So if a client calls me up and asks where they are at in terms of hours, I can give them the most up-to-date and accurate answer. It used to be, that when I did invoicing once a week, my answer would always be a week old. Now I can tell them exactly where they are at.
I can also see at any point, how many Tasks are left to be completed for a particular Project. This makes the project management side of things much easier.
So, anyway, these are the things that matter to us as a company. And that is why I believe that we are building the best project and task tracker in the world.
Best to you and your business success.
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~William Miller