FM_Business_Newsletter When it comes to presenting data, every business needs an easy way to create graphs and charts. FileMaker has some great tools built in which will allow you to build various visual display charts. FileMaker chart options include pie chart, line graph, bar chart, and various more complex ones like scatter charts.

How do you know what type of chart you need? Many times when viewing your data, you do not really need to see every individual number. You just want to get a quick look, and maybe an assurance, that everything is ok. For that, you just want to see a bar chart, or a line graph. If the line is still trending upward, you can relax and enjoy your day off, for example.

To display a chart in FileMaker, you just need to define your Found Set. This is determined, typically, by setting a Date Range. You chose a start and end date, and ask the system to display all relevant records from that time period. Then, simply specify the two or three date points for each record which we want to see. Choose your chart display option for bar, line, or pie chart, and you are ready to go.

Then anytime, at the push of a button you can get a quick review of sales, or orders, or estimate, in the last day, week, month, quarter, or year.

Being able to visually see your data is a beautiful thing!