FileMaker has provided MD5 encryption for several versions now. But with the release of FM16, they have expanded the capabilities of FileMaker with the following functions:
1. CryptDecrypt ( container ; key ) or CryptEncrypt ( data ; key ) — Decrypts/Encrypts container data with the specified key and returns text or container data.
2. CryptDecryptBase64 ( text ; key ) or CryptDecryptBase64 ( text ; key ) — Decrypts/Encrypts Base64-encoded text with the specified key and returns text or container data.
3. CryptAuthCode ( data ; algorithm ; key ) — Returns a binary HMAC (keyed-hash message authentication code) using the specified cryptographic hash algorithm.
4. CryptDigest ( data ; algorithm ) — Returns a binary hash value generated by the specified cryptographic hash algorithm.
These more advanced encryption algorithms help you to keep your data safe. They also demonstrate FileMaker, Inc’s commitment to stay current with modern encryption needs.