What is RAD software?
It is Rapid Application Development software.
Read it this way, “software that will save my company a lot of development costs because it can be built quickly”.
FileMaker has always been one of the great options for rapid application software.
This article ( https://chronicle99.com/rapid-mobile-app-development-tools-market-2026-neptune-software-%E2%80%A2-nintex-%E2%80%A2-prontoforms-%E2%80%A2-zoho-%E2%80%A2-filemaker-%E2%80%A2-alphina-%E2%80%A2-microstrategy-%E2%80%A2-modo-labs/ ) lists several others in that same category, the Major Players, the most important types, which are really only two (iOS, and Android). By the way, FileMaker can be deployed for both of these options.
The report lists 13 chapters going into great depth about the capabilities of the various software options.
Major categories covered are Market Overview & Segmentation, Major Players, Value Analysis, Market Share,Tools, SWOT analysis, Key Factors and Investment Feasibility Analysis.
FileMaker is a strong player in this category because it is one of the most approachable pieces of software for the layperson as well as the developer. The tools are easy to start using, but are quite sophisticated in their overall abilities. FileMaker has been around for more than 40 years. It is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apple, providing cross-platform capabilities for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android. It is used by millions of people around the world in multiple languages.
It is a great tool.
The link to the whole article is listed below in case you want to read it.
Best to you,
~ William Miller