There is a movement out there to find what is called “low code / no code” software solutions? What’s that mean? That means that the typical business owner doesn’t have the time to learn how to code new software, but s/he needs to find something that works for them, and that they can tweak and upgrade without having to pay a developer every time they need the smallest change.

And that is where FileMaker comes in to play.

Note this from an article in TechTarget, SearchSoftwareQuality by Valerie Silverthorne, Dec. 29th, 2016 about a ‘citizen developer’ business owner named Tucci:

“Tucci, who played for the Mets, Padres and Blue Jays, would certainly agree with that. He needed a system that would accommodate the many options for customization the company offers, but that wasn’t too complex or offered unnecessary features. Unable to find a commercial fit, FileMaker offered the option to create exactly what Tucci Lumber Bat needed. “With FileMaker, everything is customizable and it’s kind of like this living, breathing thing that we can constantly tweak or change as our needs change,” he said. And it’s simple enough that Tucci, not a coder, can make tweaks or changes himself. Now, each station in the bat-making process is outfitted with an iPad, and tracking the process and the progress is seamless. “This really did streamline the back end of our manufacturing process,” Tucci said.

At the end of the day, what’s driving low code/no code platforms is the immense need business people have to solve problems quickly, said Ann Monroe, vice president of worldwide marketing for FileMaker. “It’s easy to use, but you have to have a vision in mind,” she said. “The people who are successful with FileMaker have a plan in mind of the problem they’re trying to solve, and that’s really the hardest part.” “

We have done this many times for businesses. We do the hard part and do the first-build to get it up and running, and then we show you as the citizen developer how to make minor to modest changes in the future, thus saving yourself a lot of money.