One feature which I love on my iPhone is the ability to get a notice or reminder when I am near a certain location. For example, if I need to remember to get some medicine next time I drive by Walgreen’s, I can set my phone up with a geo-fence to notify or remind me to get the medicine.

What’s cool about FileMaker now, is that you can do the same thing, kind-of. FileMaker 16 has the capacity to interact with iBeacons. iBeacons are small wireless devices which send out a signal, typically a UUID, or unique ID number. FileMaker can be programmed to sense the proximity of these beacons and execute certain scripts based on them.

Imagine a scenario with a large warehouse with thousands of pieces of merchandise. iBeacons can be set up around the warehouse, each broadcasting their own unique ID. If one were to want to identify where certain product categories are by ID, then you could travel around the warehouse and your iPhone or iPad would notify you as you enter various departments within the warehouse.

That is pretty cool stuff!
FileMaker is making some nice advances in technology which allow us to live in a connected world.