FileMaker Go 18

Just a reminder that whenever FileMaker (now Claris International) releases a new version of FileMaker software, they always release a matching copy of FileMaker Go. FileMaker Pro is on a yearly release cycle, so every May or June, you can expect to download and...

Variable Data and Your Marketing

Some companies are using the power of FileMaker to really customize their marketing options with variable data. Everybody knows that customized marketing is more powerful than cookie-cutter ads. And most people are familiar with mail merge options via Word or...

Speed Arrow Keys

FileMaker Pro Advanced 18 has a ton of new features, but sometimes it is the little ones like speed arrow keys that make life easier which get our attention. They have added this option now: Shift + Arrow = 10 pix jump In layout mode you now have the ability to use...

FileMaker, Inc. is now Claris

At the FileMaker Developer’s Conference which we attend every year, a dramatic new announcement was made to all attendees. FileMaker, Inc is expanding their digital footprint, and adding in additional tools to extend the capability of FileMaker far out into the...

All Best Buy stores can now repair your Apple devices

There was a recent article in the Verge that now you can get your Apple products repaired at Best Buy Stores: This is good news for Apple users. Now we have not just the...

FileMaker 18 feature: new interface for importing data

Some of the most exciting products to make are the mobile tools, iPad or iPhone apps, which can be used to conduct business in out-of-office locations, like on-site at a client’s business, or even out in the field for some construction, oil well, or vineyard apps...

GOALS Will Get You There

It is an established fact that those with written goals for their life and business far exceed those who do not. Many studies have been done over the course of years and looked at people just graduating from college. They grouped the graduates by those who had written...

Case Study: iPad offsite to Synchronize with Main File

We worked with an independent cementing service, located in Greeley, Colorado, that plugs abandoned oil, gas, and water wells. They offer their services throughout Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming. Clients would contact them when a well was done. Environmental...

Mobile Tools in the Wild

Some of the most exciting products to make are the mobile tools, iPad or iPhone apps, which can be used to conduct business in out-of-office locations, like on-site at a client’s business, or even out in the field for some construction, oil well, or vineyard apps...