New Full-time Developer

We are happy to announce that HighPower Data has hired a new full-time developer. Carl has a computer science degree and has worked with FileMaker for several years. He has previously worked on projects with us as a sub-contractor. He has developed new solutions; he...

You may not be aware of this, but we have a second website where we focus on helping people to sell their vertical market applications. We have been in the business of selling commercial FileMaker applications for decades. We sell a number of FileMaker apps to...

FileMaker and the App Store

It used to be that if you wanted to release an app for sale on the app store you had two options: either learn Swift programming language and build it by hand, or use the FileMaker Go app, and ‘bundle’ your app with it. But now in the past year FileMaker, Inc has...

The One-Page Marketing Plan

I just finished reading a great book on marketing. It is called “The One-Page Marketing Plan” by Alan Dib. Despite its title, it took him 200 pages to describe the ‘one-page plan’! But when it was all done, yes, you can actually conceptualize your entire marketing...

FM Keyboard Shortcuts

There are a ton of available keyboard shortcuts for the FileMaker platform. If you become familiar with the more commonly used key commands, you can save yourself a lot of time while working with FileMaker. In fact, the most recent versions of FileMaker have improved...

FileMaker Pro OS Requirements

Sometimes it is hard to keep track of which operating systems currently work with which versions of FileMaker. Between OSX, Windows, iOS, and FileMaker upgrades it is easy to get confused. If you ever need help, here is the page on the FileMaker site which will help...

Get a starter pack!

Have you been thinking about getting a custom business application for your office? HighPower Data Solutions is offering three distinct packages to get you started on the road to business automation in a very inexpensive rate. 1. Starter package This package includes...

Case Study: An App Created in FileMaker for Writers

So here is an interesting story about just how flexible FileMaker can be to build out great and useful applications. My brother is a FileMaker developer, having co-created with me the MagicBase Integrated Marketing System in FileMaker. He has sold hundreds of copies...

FM Go! 16

With the release of FileMaker 16, please note that FM, Inc. has also released a new version of the Go app. In case you are unaware, FM Go! is the mobile version of FileMaker for on your iPhone or iPad. It is a very slick tool and is a wonderful way to take your data...

The Pumpkin Plan for Growth

In his entertaining book, “The Pumpkin Plan: A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in any Field”, author Mike Michalowicz shares several interesting ideas for growing a business. One of them is based on the famous Pareto Principle. Pareto was an Italian...