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New CRM & Project Manager for Agency Freelancers

We keep improving Freelance and making it more useful for growing your agency.

Our Story

In the 1990’s, I discovered this awesome software development tool called FileMaker Pro by Claris.

It was such an incredibly flexible software for developing many applications for tracking lots of data that I started using it for everything. You can read the whole story in the book which I released on Amazon, called “Easy Apps!“. At the time, it was ‘just’ a database application. But it has matured and grown in the last 30+ years into an amazing creative production tool for all manner of business automation services.

Since that time, we have launched and grown HighPower Data Solutions to provide customized business automation software using FileMaker. The number of clients has grown, and I, of course, used FileMaker to build a tool to track all of our clients, projects, and work. As the company grew, I found that my software also had to grow in its capacity to help us manage everything. That was the reason for creating “HighPower Freelance” in the first place.

What I found was that my capacity to manage projects was limited by lack of adequate software to do so. So I created our own. Since that time, as the company has grown, I have had to expand the capacities of the software as well. So the current version of HighPower Freelance Project Management software is version 3.

What it can do for you

Quick summary of what it can do:

  1. Track all Clients, Proposals, Projects, Tasks, and Worklogs.
  2. Prepare Proposals easily and keep them linked to the client for future reference
  3. Print Invoices which will automatically pull in all related work for the client. (So no more under-billing because you forgot to include something. This feature alone will pay for the software.)
  4. There are two additional sections which will interest those in the software world: a section to track software licenses, and a section to track software hosting.
  5. There is a Business Dashboard section which gives you high-level overview of the business.
  6. There is a Business Reports section.
  7. There are places to store your documents, emails templates, files, images, products, tutorials, and general business procedure checklists.

Demo Available

We use it to run our entire company. As we grow, we add new features to it, which you will receive with your copy. So basically, we “eat our own dog food” (and it is delicious!).

So you are welcome to check out this software. There is a demo version online which you can try out. All you need is a browser to use it. It has limited functionality, but will give you an idea of its capabilities.

If you would like more information, you can find it here: projects.highpowerdata.com

Best to you on a prosperous year ahead!

~ William