Software for Freelancers Who Want to Grow their Business

One part of HighPower Freelance Software which we use every single day is the Worklog. The worklog tracks every Task we do. It identifies what Project is being performed for which Client. It lists the Rate, the Hours worked, and the amount earned during that time.

The Worklog gives us a complete history of all the work which we have performed for every Client. This history remains a part of the software so that we can retrace our steps and our work at any time. It also allows us to prepare reports of all the work we did.

The operation of the Worklog is very simple. There are three columns on the left side to select the Task you will be working on. The first column is a list of all Clients who have been assigned to a developer. The second column is a list of the Projects; and the third column is a list of Tasks.

See below. Note that this sample has all three rows empty right now. But the first column has the Client listed, which is “Acru Corporation”, and the second column of Projects, lists the one selected Project which is the “Chef Addition”, and then the third column has listed the “Microservices additions” as the actual Task being work on.

So the process is always from Client –> Project –> Task order of selection for everything in the Worklog.

Then the list of work being performed appears on the right side of the Worklog. There you see the date of the work (“Thu, Jun 25, 2020”), and the timer is on, as you can see by the green “Go” button.

This is the key to tracking all work performed for anyone. From this page, and all the associated reports built into it, you can tell exactly how much time you have spent on any Client, Project, or Task. The Freelance Worklog will show you how who did the work, what they worked on, when they worked on, and how much money you earned on that particular Project or Task.

It is really a very powerful tool. And because the data is always there, I can go back and pull up a report on anything from the past. Recently, we completed a large project for a Client. The owner asked me how many total hours we had spent on the Project. Although the work had been performed over a period of many months by various individuals, I was able to pull up a complete report of the entire project.

If you want to run a successful and growing freelance agency, then the Worklog is your friend. You will use it every day, and it will give you a great feeling of confidence knowing that you are in control of your business and all its details

HighPower Freelance software gives you power and control and peace of mind. Check out the demo today. We are currently looking for freelancers who want to start beta-testing our software right away. You can get the software now at half the normal price, with free updates and support until full release.