Is your largest financial expense labor costs? The more employees you need to get the job done, the more expensive it is. If only there were some way to get more work done with less staff labor….

Business Automation Software is the Answer


The answer is a special class of software called “Business Automation Software”.
There is only One Business Automation product that:
• has been around for more than 40 years to assist with business automation.
• has been owned by both Microsoft and Apple, and is currently a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apple.
• is cross-platform, able to work on both Macs and PC’s.
• works in browsers.
• works on iPhones.
• works on iPads.
• works on Android devices in their browser.
• is secure.
• is used by millions of people around the world.
• is localized into many languages.
• is called ‘low-code software’ that can be used by relative newbies.
• is powerful enough to integrate with almost all current API technologies.

This amazing software is versatile, easy-to-use, but eminently powerful for serious automation needs of many businesses, and is called “FileMaker Pro” by Claris. (

HighPower Data Solutions has been creating amazing and powerful FileMaker solutions for businesses around the world for many years. We are personal witnesses to its growing power and versatility, having been convinced ourselves years ago when we needed powerful versatile software.

Using it ourselves and building business automation systems for other companies, we’ve discovered that FileMaker makes a difference between productivity and inefficiency, between profitability and expense. Make the choice for profitability by putting FileMaker to use as a business automation tool in your company.

Testimony by one of our clients:

Roger Scherping

“We engaged HighPower Data to integrate a FileMaker database application used by our Operations Department with QuickBooks. HighPower developed an amazing connector that imports into QuickBooks all new jobs with their estimates and all purchase orders issued on those jobs. This completely eliminates the need for Accounting to set up new clients and jobs. It also means that all vendor invoices now have a valid purchase order to be received against in QuickBooks. And it means that every job can now be managed in QuickBooks because we can track the actual costs and revenue for each job against its estimate. Invoice preparation time was also reduced to almost nothing; we just import the invoice from FileMaker, add sales tax and freight, and send it off. Our accountant can now get done in 30 hours a week what previously didn’t get done in 50. Our invoicing will now involve pushing one button.”
Roger Scherping,
General Manager
Nimlok Minnesota

Using FileMaker, you can eliminate redundant and tedious tasks, and move your employees to more productive activities that improve your bottom line profitability.

Three ways Business Automation Software helps your company:

1. Reduce Time Needed for Tedious Tasks

Tedium kills time and motivation. These tasks make you grumble, “There must be a better way to do this”. And there is! There is a better way to run your business. Using business automation software like FileMaker, we at HighPower Data Solutions can help you quickly and efficiently complete tedious tasks.

Business Use Case: a construction company would give a giant stack of paper to their assistant every month. It was her job to find out what equipment was used on which construction site, and to note if it was still on site, or had been returned to HQ yet. It would take her hours to go through the line items of equipment and check the yard to see if it was back. We solved that problem for her with automated software. Now with a couple of clicks the manager of each project is able to quickly identify the location of all equipment.

2. Automatically Schedule Repetitive Jobs

Some reports need to be prepared every month or week. It’s the same report, just the start and end dates change. Why make a staffer go through that process repeatedly? Just automate it to run on the same day or time every month. It will be waiting when you arrive at work.

Business Use Case: A major multi-billion dollar shipping corporation needed reports of their workers’ activities every morning for management. Because they were dealing with millions of dollars of labor charges per day, they were tracking efficiency closely. Instead of requiring a staff person to pull that data together every day, we just linked FileMaker to their external SQL tables and performed a daily data dump after hours of all relevant information. Now every morning the data is ready to be viewed and analyzed by management.

Automate Your Business - FileMaker Consulting & Development3. Systematize the Important Projects

According to “Systemology” author David Jenyns, the only way to ensure stability in your growing business is to make a system for every significant business activity. But how? Put it in a three-ring binder and give everyone a copy? Create a step-by-step PDF guide to tell people what to do?

Nope. Just “encapsulate the system” into your company software. Once your software is set up to do a particular task the right way every time, then anyone in your company can do it. No need to fear the new employee is going to mess up an important task. The system is built into the software already.

HighPower Data Solutions will build a SYSTEM, that Saves You Stress, Time, Effort, and Money.

Business Use Case: a precious metals company needed to ensure that their salespeople applied the correct charges to their orders. There were many variables to consider:
• current price of gold or silver,
• what percentage markup each client received, depending upon the size of their company orders,
• if overhead was added in certain situations.,
• which states charged taxes on gold or silver,
• which states charged taxes only on certain types of precious metal products.

How could anyone keep track of all these variables? We built all those variables into their sales SYSTEM software which now takes it all into consideration, plus the current price of gold or silver updated to the nearest 30-seconds!

So, FileMaker Pro by Claris, and HighPower Data Solutions are your answer to reduce staffing costs and labor. Give us a call at 763-208-9107 to schedule a data workflow interview. We’ll evaluate how much staff time and money you can save with an automated business system.

Remember these words by one of our satisfied clients:

Our accountant can now get done in 30 hours a week what previously didn’t get done in 50.
Our invoicing will now involve pushing one button.”

~~ Roger Scherping, former General Manager, Nimlok Minnesota

Give William a call now at 763-208-9107.