Speedy Management And Relational Technology in a May 2020 article in Twin Cities Business, author Gene Rebeck makes this observation about “High Tech Advantages” taking place in the legal field: ” ‘Like any organization, we want to operate as efficiently as possible,’ says Caroline Boudreau Sweeney, Dorsey’s director of knowledge management and innovation. Law firms are facing cost pressures, particularly in practice areas that have been increasingly “commoditized.” At the same time, more clients are expecting their legal counsel to be technologically up to speed. ‘Adopting technologies and developing tools are differentiators in the market,’ Sweeney says. ‘The more that firms are trying to differentiate, the more critical it is that you stay on top of the technology in order to benefit your clients.’ “

HighPower Data Solutions has had a similar experience recently with a law firm from Tennessee which specializes in family inheritance issues. They needed a system which would allow all of their staff to access client data, remotely (in the time of COVID19), and also share common iCloud data and files. What’s more they wanted to be able to pull in their email, and link any file, to any client, and assign any staff tasks for any projects. In effect, they needed a system that was completely flexible, adaptable, and easy to use.

They had tried other off the shelf CRM systems and found them wanting. So they contacted HighPower and asked for help. HighPower Data created a system using FileMaker Pro 19 as the backbone of their data collection and document management needs as an office. Combined with the Mail-it and FileFire plugins from Dacons, a system was built which would include email, documents, projects, clients, tasks, all with an easy-to-use and pleasing interface.

What can this do for them? This makes them a cutting-edge law firm which maximizes their efficiency, flexibility, and remotely working staff to provide maximum service and benefits to their clients. The clients are the ones on the receiving end who are the beneficiaries of excellent service for the financial and legal needs from a staff that has access to all the data and documents they need, when they need them. FileMaker Pro 19 is the heart of it. But the real-key is the hand-crafted software and attention to detail provided by the software engineers at HighPower.