The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce has released guidelines (based on the national guidelines) for how to “Return to Work Safely.”  Not all of our clients are based in MN, but these guidelines will be helpful no matter which state or country your reside.

The guidelines are available here: 

Here is a quick summary:

The guidelines are coming from the CDC and OSHA.  

The steps relate to:

1.  Social Distancing while at work

     (Working remotely if you can;  (FileMaker can help you with that!)

2.  Vendor Engagement

3.  Customer Engagement

4.  Travel Policies

5.  Monitoring Employee Health

6.  Employee & Customer Communications & Signage

7.  Communications/ Education/ Responsibilities

It concludes with some suggested resources related to Hygiene, Reducing Anxiety, Sick Employees, etc.

Check it out, as all want to get back to the blessed gift of work!

We don’t realize how good it is, or how important, until it is taken away.

Best to you all!