FileMakerBusiness_Three-Problems-your-Business-FacesWhen it comes to using software to enhance your business, it’s important to choose software that works for your everyday tasks. Using the wrong software can be as bad as using NO software.

How do you diagnose if you’re using the wrong software? There are three common problems that using the wrong software can cause for your business.

1st Problem – Inefficient Processes
While we naturally assume that any software will help, not all software makes your business more efficient. Some typical signs may be multiple software solutions that don’t communicate with each other. If you are cutting and pasting between software, or doing double-entry work, then you are LOSING efficiency through software, not gaining it. You need your software to work with you, and not against you.

2nd Problem – Scattered Information
Your data can be scattered across multiple applications, both in the web and on your systems. Scattered information puts your business at risk. How can you manage, control, and protect information when it scattered across various systems? This is both a security risk, and is just a big pain in the neck to try to identify where key information is kept. You need a software solution that provides a central place to store all important company information.

3rd Problem — Rigid Technologies
Does your software adapt to your business needs? Rigid technology is software which forces you to do your work the way it demands, not the way you need it to work for you and your business. Some signs that you are using rigid software technology are: software that forces you to enter specific data to get a result or forces you to find and search for information with multiple steps and queries. If you are jumping through multiple hoops to print up reports and queries, it may be time to find a less rigid technology.

The three problems of Inefficient Processes, Scattered Information, and Rigid Software Technologies exercise a tremendous mental and physical drain upon your business productivity. Most likely, you and your employees spend way too much time serving the requirements of your software, rather than having your business software serve you.

When you look at it this way, custom business software can result in huge ROI, and improved productivity and satisfaction amongst you and your employees.