The best tool for tracking multiple FileMaker servers.
A few years back, we had a problem at HighPower Data Solutions; we had too many client servers to keep track off. We needed to easily locate logins, hosting URLs, and passwords. We also had to keep track of many SSL’s, domains, and licenses, which might be expiring. We needed a good system to quickly view and update data. We couldn’t afford to let anything fall between the cracks. But the software available was either too simplistic or too complex. As is so often the case, we needed something in the sweet spot between both.
That’s when Matt Larson, our Senior FileMaker Engineer stepped in to provide a solution. He built a GREAT tool for us that does everything we need. We call it “Symphony” because it expertly coordinates all of our server data.
Here is a screen shot of this great tool:

This is the detail view. There is also a list view option which allows you to enter search parameters for any of the servers in your system.
Primary Benefits:
- Keep track of every server for every client, including your own internal servers
- Gives a birds-eye list view of all servers
- A comprehensive detail view of just one server, with tons of data
- A handy automatic refresh button which updates all information via the FM Admin Console API
- Track all expiring SSL certs
- Track all domains
- Can be used for FileMaker and regular web servers.
- Built in protocols for quickly opening servers by copying Usernames and Passwords into the clipboard for accurate retrieval and pasting
If you want to learn more, check out the product details on our website: https://symphony.highpowerdata.com/