Hybrid FileMaker Apps For Desktop & iPad

Businesses today uses many different devices to track and measure their data, and have access to customer information or estimates. As a business owner, you use a variety of technologies to automate your data and keep your business running smoothly. In many cases,...

FileMaker Charts

When it comes to presenting data, every business needs an easy way to create graphs and charts. FileMaker has some great tools built in which will allow you to build various visual display charts. FileMaker chart options include pie chart, line graph, bar chart, and...

Minneapolis FileMaker Cloud Solutions

As announced last month in Automate Your Business, FileMaker, Inc has released a totally new hosting service called “FileMaker Cloud”. This is an automated hosting service using Amazon Web Services to provide hosting for your custom FileMaker app. What’s the...

Minneapolis FileMaker Hosting

HighPower Data Solutions is happy to announce that we are providing FileMaker Hosting in Minneapolis. With the recent changes FileMaker, Inc, has made to their hosting requirements, we have found that some of our clients looking for low-cost alternatives for hosting....