or, How you can improve your business using FileMaker Pro There was an interesting article in Lucept: ( https://lucept.com/2021/08/06/elon-musks-5-step-rd-strategy/ ) about Elon Musk and his engineering philosophy. I will summarize the five main points from his philosophy here, and then talk about how at HighPower Data Solutions, using FileMaker Pro, we can apply this same […]
We are continuing with our comments about how you can increase your business value by using FileMaker Pro to run all your essential business services. How can software developed with FileMaker help you to sell your business? There are numerous factors which make a business a sale-able commodity, not the least of which is that […]
Some great ideas from the book, “Making Money is Killing Your Business” by Chuck Blakeman I have been reading an absolutely fascinating book by Chuck Blakeman, as mentioned above. Our mission at HighPower Data Solutions is to help businesses succeed through software automation. There are so many cool things which we can do by combining […]
How to Apply Elon Musk’s Engineering Philosophy to Your Business
or, How you can improve your business using FileMaker Pro There was an interesting article in Lucept: ( https://lucept.com/2021/08/06/elon-musks-5-step-rd-strategy/ ) about Elon Musk and his engineering philosophy. I will summarize the five main points from his philosophy here, and then talk about how at HighPower Data Solutions, using FileMaker Pro, we can apply this same […]
How FileMaker can make your business more valuable, Part Three
We are continuing with our comments about how you can increase your business value by using FileMaker Pro to run all your essential business services. How can software developed with FileMaker help you to sell your business? There are numerous factors which make a business a sale-able commodity, not the least of which is that […]
The Seven Elements of Business
Some great ideas from the book, “Making Money is Killing Your Business” by Chuck Blakeman I have been reading an absolutely fascinating book by Chuck Blakeman, as mentioned above. Our mission at HighPower Data Solutions is to help businesses succeed through software automation. There are so many cool things which we can do by combining […]