New Release from Claris: FileMaker 2023

FileMaker 2023 has been released! Claris has just completed a wide release of their newest and most powerful software ever! FileMaker 2023 Note the new naming convention. Claris is moving from “FileMaker 19” to “FileMaker 2023”. Here is their explanation: Why...

FileMaker Pro by Claris, an Apple Company

Claris, the makers of FileMaker Pro, have clarified their relationship to Apple. FileMaker has been around for more than forty years. It was owned by a few different companies during its early years. One of those companies was Claris, which then changed their name to...

Claris FileMaker and Apple

A lot of people do not realize that FileMaker, and its parent company, Claris, is a wholly-own subsidiary of Apple. That’s right, the awesome, cool-factor company of Apple owns FileMaker Pro. FileMaker has been around for decades, since some time in the...