New FileMaker 17 Feature: Sensors

FileMaker Pro has had support for iBeacons for several years now. But with FileMaker 17, some new functions were added which can capture sensor support from iOS devices. Using a new calculation function mobile apps can capture information from iOS sensors in your iPad...

Geo-Fencing with FileMaker

One feature which I love on my iPhone is the ability to get a notice or reminder when I am near a certain location. For example, if I need to remember to get some medicine next time I drive by Walgreen’s, I can set my phone up with a geo-fence to notify or remind me...

HighPower goes to Prison!

But don’t worry, they let us out! Recently one department within the State of Minnesota contacted us about a FileMaker application which they used internally in one of the state prisons. Because it was accessible to the inmates, for security reasons it could not have...

Case Study: Let Your Customers Login to their Account

We have several clients who have asked us to create web-based logins for their customers. For example, a printing company in Canada asked us to build a site which would allow their customers to go to the company website, and click on a link that says, “Customer...

iOS Notifications in FileMaker 17

FileMaker 17 has a cool new feature for users of FileMaker Go. It is called iOS Notifications. We are all familiar with the ability of iOS apps to deliver notifications to us when certain requested conditions are met. But until FM17, it was not possible to do that...

GOALS Will Get You There

It is an established fact that those with written goals for their life and business far exceed those who do not. Many studies have been done over the course of years and looked at people just graduating from college. They grouped the graduates by those who had written...

FileMaker Encryption Options

FileMaker has provided MD5 encryption for several versions now. But with the release of FM16, they have expanded the capabilities of FileMaker with the following functions: 1. CryptDecrypt ( container ; key ) or CryptEncrypt ( data ; key ) — Decrypts/Encrypts...

FileMaker Not For Dummies

There was an interesting article written by Andy LeCates, talking about low-code or no-code software. What is low-code software? Forrester Research defines it as: Software which enables “rapid delivery of business applications with a minimum of hand-coding and minimal...

New Time Card App for your business

We have developed a new application which can be integrated into any FileMaker solution. This is especially useful for companies which have a lot of employees that need to be logging in to track their hours.   Features include: 1. Works on any iPhone or...

FileMaker DevCon 2018 Report

FileMaker DevCon 2018 was in Dallas this year, and it was great! The thing that most impressed me about it is the amount of integration which is going on with FileMaker. There were many, many sessions, about how to integrate FileMaker with things like: MailChimp,...