HighPower Staff Developer Focus: Carl Raymond
Sometimes you don’t always know the person behind the voice on the phone.
We want you to know who is helping you to automate your business.
Carl Raymond has been working with FileMaker for quite a number of years now. He initially started working just as a sub-contractor for HighPower on some initial projects. But then in 2017, we hired him full-time to work with us.
Carl is a very good developer. He is meticulous, detail-oriented. He thoroughly tests his code before sending it out. He has tackled some amazing projects and done them fabulously well. Some recent projects which were integrated with FileMaker were a drawing app built on top of FileMaker for the iPad. Using Javascript, we created an app which construction workers can use to sketch up a design on the fly out in the field. They can draw the shape, enter measurements, colors, style and model, which is then sent to the shop back at the office. The shop can then immediately get to work and start creating the project. So the instant the foreman decides what he needs, and sends it, the shop can begin working on it on the spot. When they have completed their work then, they notify the accountant within the office, and the billing is generated. All automated.
He has done a number of great integrations using Twilio, DayBack Calendar, BaseElements, 360works, etc.
Overall, Carl is a very hard worker and a great developer.
So if you talk to Carl on the phone, he may not talk much; but he will get to work and get your job done for you!