Databases are everywhere … even in games. This is a word-game demonstration developed using FileMaker Pro and playable with FileMaker Pro or on the iPad using the free FileMaker Go App. The goal is to guess a secret word by deduction, using clues provided from previous guesses. Type a 5-letter word to get started.
- Can be played without limit
- There are three difficulty levels, plus a ‘mystery’ (random) level
- It has a scoring system based on the wisdom of your guesses
- A log of scoring penalties can be viewed
- A random ‘starter word’ can be generated for your first guess
- You can choose to restrict your entries to correctly spelled words, or not
Desktop Installation
Assuming that you have a copy of FileMaker Pro …
- Download the Enigma app to any folder you prefer
- You can open it by double-clicking or by selecting it from the ‘FileMaker Open’ window
iPad Installation
- On your iPad, download the Enigma app and save it in the “Files” folder
- On the main screen of your iPad, select the App Store icon
- Search for “go 19”
- Download the free App “Claris FileMaker Go 19”
- When FileMaker Go opens, click on the Download icon in the upper-right corner
- Select the Enigma app in your Files folder
… the game should just open.