Claris Engage Conference

A virtual conference for FileMaker developers and users This year the annual conference, like so many others impacted by the Covid19 crisis, has gone virtual. This conference used to be called FileMaker Devcon for some twenty plus years. Last year, to mark the name...

HighPower Freelance Software

Project Tracking Software for Freelancers We’ve finally landed on a new name for the software which we have been developing for nine months now: HighPower Freelance. This is Project Tracking Software for Freelancers. We came to this conclusion in recognition of...

FileMaker 19 is here!

We love the spring-time when the flowers bloom, the sun shines, and Claris releases a new version of FileMaker Pro! FileMaker Pro is one of the best and most amazing software development platforms out there for creating custom business applications. It has proved its...