Time Saving Invoicing

I developed the HighPower Biz CRM app to save me time. My Story:Like any small business owner, I spend a lot of time on the paperwork at the end of the week. It was taking me a lot of time to track all the hours my developers were working, then to confirm those times,...

A Whole New CRM World

If you are like me, you have tried many types of project management software for your company, and have not found anything that fits exactly to your needs. Since we are a software company and develop custom business automation software, I decided that we should just...

Minneapolis FileMaker Cloud Solutions

As announced last month in Automate Your Business, FileMaker, Inc has released a totally new hosting service called “FileMaker Cloud”. This is an automated hosting service using Amazon Web Services to provide hosting for your custom FileMaker app. What’s the...
FileMaker App Building Tips

FileMaker App Building Tips

FileMaker, Inc conducted a survey of 400 of their customers last year to find out the true impact of building a custom app for one’s business. They have release a highly interesting and visually appealing report in PDF format which shows the ROI and other important...
FileMaker Excel Integration

FileMaker Excel Integration

Have an Excel file which you would love to integrate with FileMaker? It can be done much easier than you might think: just drag the Excel file onto your FileMaker Pro icon. FM will instantly create a new FM database file for you, and use your column headers as the...