by William Miller | Feb 20, 2021 | APPS, Business Growth, Project Tracking Software
Yes, the title is a bit facetious; anyone whose been in business for any period of time knows that nothing is easy! But I will try to simplify it so that you can see the way through the trees out of the forest to focus on the single goal of business automation. Why...
by William | Feb 13, 2021 | Business Growth, FM News, Tech News, Uncategorized
A recent report shows that FileMaker and similar software markets continue to grow. This report is by Orbis, and here is the link to the full report. This is good news for anybody who is using FileMaker. This means that the market for this type of product continues to...
by William | Feb 11, 2021 | APPS, FM Products, FM Tips, Tech News
A hilarious video came out this week of a video deposition streamed via Zoom. One of the lawyers had a filter running on their Zoom settings which made him look like a cat. Here is the crazy video: What can we learn from...
by William | Jan 3, 2021 | Business Growth, FM Products, HighPower Data News, HighPower Freelance Software
Special project tracking options for freelance software agencies We specifically designed HighPower Freelance software to make it easy for software agencies to track their hosting & licensing data. We understand this, because we are also a software agency. We know...
by William Miller | Dec 5, 2020 | APPS, FM Products, HighPower Freelance Software, Project Tracking Software
Software to help you know your financial numbers! We have been using HighPower Freelance Project Software for eleven months now, and really love it. The number one rule about running your own business is that you have to make a profit, or you will be out of business....