Power Up Your Website – #1

Your Digital Front DoorThis post offers suggestions for improving your digital presence. Do you know who and how many visitors look at your digital front door? Your website is a very low-cost marketing system that should be utilized to its maximum potential....

A Story of Plugin Crashes

vector illustration of an accident of a two cars Why you need someone to manage your plugins for you So here is a fairly common problem: plugins that ‘do not play well with others’. What happens in most cases, is that it causes the site to crash. We had a...

How to Make FileMaker Really Slow!

Here are the top three mistakes people make when trying to build with FileMaker Pro by Claris FileMaker applications can be really fast and zippy, if they are built correctly. FileMaker is easy to use, which is great! But it is also easy to use wrongly, which is not...

Why it is time to upgrade your website

These clues indicate it’s time to update Your site loads slowlyYou know that load time affects your Google juice right? If it loads slow, down you go.Your site doesn’t match your brandingMaybe it never did; maybe you have changed your branding, and...