Can You Use Desktop Layouts on Mobile?

The answer to that question is a solid “yes” and “no”. Yes, usually, a desktop layout will kind of work on the iPad. But because desktop layouts are not optimized for touch, the user experience can be pretty poor. The reason is mainly because of the size of the fields...

Time Card App for Construction Workers

A nice mobile app we designed recently, let’s construction workers log into the job while they are out in the field. Now any worker with a phone, whether iPhone or Android, can open up their phone, and “clock in” on the job. It is very cool. They tap on the special...

iOS Notifications in FileMaker 17

FileMaker 17 has a cool new feature for users of FileMaker Go. It is called iOS Notifications. We are all familiar with the ability of iOS apps to deliver notifications to us when certain requested conditions are met. But until FM17, it was not possible to do that...

Case Study: Time Card App

Recently HighPower Data Solutions completed a Time Card Application for a construction company. Here was the need: the capability for about 30 people to log in on their phones, and have those hours immediately linked into the main business application so that they...

Mobile Signature Capture

An overlooked feature of FileMaker on the iPad or iPhone is the ability to capture a signature from a customer on the spot and have it stored in the system. This can be a great tool for businesses which send out their techs into the field to do work. When the work is...

Which Part of Your Business Needs to be on your Phone?

With the amazing mobile capacity of FileMaker, you can now have access to every part of your business via your phone. This might be great, but it might not! For example, when I am on vacation, I really do not want to see or worry about all the little details to every...