Why it is time to upgrade your website

These clues indicate it’s time to update Your site loads slowlyYou know that load time affects your Google juice right? If it loads slow, down you go.Your site doesn’t match your brandingMaybe it never did; maybe you have changed your branding, and...

The Rise of Citizen Developers

A whole new type of software is allowing business owners to DIY! It used to be that if you wanted software to run your business, you really only had two choices: buy something off the shelf, or hire an expensive developer to build your own. But with the emergence of...

Who’s Running Your Business?

Did you think it was you? No, in many cases, it is your software that’s in charge. Somewhere in a boardroom somewhere, someone decided the best way to run YOUR business. They decided the terminology which you would have to use for your “customers” or...

Claris Engage Conference

A virtual conference for FileMaker developers and users This year the annual conference, like so many others impacted by the Covid19 crisis, has gone virtual. This conference used to be called FileMaker Devcon for some twenty plus years. Last year, to mark the name...

The Intelligent Investor

Classic work by Benjamin Graham Since I just wrote a blog last week about an investing book, I had recently read, I thought I would continue the trend by writing about another investment book which I recently finished. I didn’t read it exactly; it was an audible...

HighPower Freelance Software

Project Tracking Software for Freelancers We’ve finally landed on a new name for the software which we have been developing for nine months now: HighPower Freelance. This is Project Tracking Software for Freelancers. We came to this conclusion in recognition of...

Unstoppable Prosperity

Unstoppable Prosperity by Charles Payne Because we like to focus on helping small business owners grow and prosper by providing them with business automation systems and websites, I like to share once in a while books which I think will be found useful by the same....